Using Matching Mode

Last Updated: February 27, 2024

In Matching Mode, you can select a job you've bookmarked and see how it matches up against your resume!

We'll surface keywords from the Job Description that speak to the core qualifications, responsibilities, and requirements for you to then incorporate into your resume.

Learn more below!

In the free version of Teal, you will see the top five keywords per job surfaced from the Job Description. Teal+ gives you access to the full list of keywords! More on Teal+ can be found in your account settings HERE.

First and foremost - have you bookmarked your first job yet into the Job Tracker? If not, start with this article HERE. Having a job bookmarked is necessary for Matching Mode to function.

Important Note

If you are bookmarking a job manually, without the Google Chrome Extension, you will need to copy/paste the Job Description into the form. The URL will not scrape these details into the form automatically and the match will get stuck without those details. For more on this, please read the above article on Bookmarking a Job.

First, what is matching mode?

Matching Mode provides you a side-by-side look at how your resume matches up against a job you're interested in pursuing.

What can you expect to gain from Matching Mode?

A comprehensive list of keywords that you can then add manually to your resume (in any space you choose!) to help boost that alignment between your experiences and the job application.

Matching Mode will show you which keywords you already have incorporated and which are missing.

Your Match Score is dependent on how closely your resume aligns with the job description by measuring how many keywords you have included in your content.

Important Note

There isn't currently an automation in Matching Mode to add keywords to your resume for you. Matching Mode will surface keywords for you to then manually plug into your resume wherever you see fit!

(Keep an eye out for updates around automation here in the coming weeks đź‘€)

Navigating to Matching Mode

Navigate to Matching Mode in the Resume Builder

Selecting a Job

Once here, you’ll be prompted to select a bookmarked job or add one manually.

This will be the job description used to match against your resume for guidance and recommendations.

Generating a Job Summary

Once you've selected a job, we will work to generate a Job Summary.

The Job Summary is used to pull keywords from only those important job description sections: core responsibilities, core requirements, and core qualifications.

Using the full Job Description can often misinterpret keywords in the Benefits or Accessibility section as being related to the core function of the job. We use the Job Summary to avoid this!

What if I want to see the full Job Description?

You always have the option to view the full Job Description by toggling the "Show Full Job Description" on. Toggling this again will return you to the Job Summary.

Occasionally, the Job Summary may take a moment to load

While the Job Summary is loading, you'll see this screen appear in the "Job Description" tab

Once the summary has been generated, you'll see the option to refresh the page

Okay, the match has been what?

Keyword Inclusion

  • Keyword recommendations are categorized by hard skills, soft skills, and emphasis words.
  • Here, you'll see which keywords are Missing from your resume and which are already Matched
  • The more of these keywords you add to your resume, the higher you’ll see your match score climb!

Matched Keywords

For keywords already matched, you can toggle "highlight" to show you exactly where they are in the resume

Seeing a purple exclamation mark indicates that a keyword is within your resume content but the achievement is not "active" (i.e., toggled on with the corresponding checkbox)

To activate this keyword, you'll want to check the checkbox associated with the content:

Ignoring Keywords

Maybe a surfaced keyword doesn't feel totally relevant, or, you're not interested in focusing on that element of the job description. You can choose to "ignore" keywords by clicking ignore.

Depending on how many keywords you ignore, you may see the Match Score improve. This is because you're matching from a smaller pool of keywords.

Customizable Job Description

You can view and edit the job description in the “job description” tab:

    • First toggle "Show Full Job Description"
    • Then click "Edit"

Efficient Job Tracking with Notes

You can easily access & edit your job notes from the "Job Notes" tab

Switching Jobs

You may decide to duplicate this resume and match to a different job - select the “switch job” button in Matching Mode to make this change! Check it out HERE.

Matching to a New Job

Looking to check out a new match score with a different job description?

Scroll to the top of the page and click the yellow "Switch Job" button

Why use Matching Mode?

Matching Mode serves as a dynamic tool for refining your resume, maximizing keyword alignment, and ultimately increasing your competitiveness in the job market.

It empowers you to make informed decisions about how to tailor your resume for specific opportunities, contributing to a more successful job search.

Matching Mode enables you to align your resume effectively with a specific job description. By selecting a bookmarked job or manually adding one, you initiate a tailored analysis that compares your resume against the key elements of the job.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a button to include these keywords into the resume?
    • At this time, keyword inclusion happens manually! We provide recommendations by surfacing the keywords, and it's up to you where these keywords best belong.
    • You can edit or add new achievements to include these keywords.
    • For more on adding/editing in the resume, check out THIS article.
  • This keyword isn't relevant, what gives?
    • While the technology does its very best to contextualize keywords, it's not as human as you or me.
    • We always recommend ignoring keywords that don't feel relevant to clean up your list and focus in on what you'd like to include
  • Can I add my own keywords?
    • At this time, making manual additions to the keywords list is not possible. But, we absolutely encourage you to add anything you find in the job description that feels relevant and important!
  • Is the Match Score reflective of an ATS score?
    • The Match Score is meant to guide alignment between your resume and the job description.
    • Very rarely are recruiters using an ATS to scan for keywords in this way.
    • Incorporating these keywords helps the recruiter more quickly scan your resume and find impact by using language that's reflective of the job description and function of the role.
  • Why isn't Matching Mode working? It's just getting stuck.
    • Was this job manually bookmarked into Teal? And, did you copy/paste the Job Description into the form when bookmarking? If not, Matching Mode will have nothing to work from to surface keywords and the match will get "stuck." Be sure to add that job description!

Where should I go from here?

We recommend checking out this article next: Using AI - Achievements

Want to learn more? Watch our YouTube Tutorials

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